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ID card application (from 12 years old)
- appointment form eID Dutch (PDF, 166.06 KB)
- appointment form eID French (PDF, 172.97 KB)
- appointment form eID German (PDF, 143.98 KB)
Kids-ID (under 12 years old)
- appointment form Kids-ID Dutch (PDF, 138.23 KB)
- appointment form Kids-ID French (PDF, 155.05 KB)
- appointment form Kids-ID German (PDF, 171.03 KB)
- application form Kids-ID for children younger than 6 Dutch (PDF, 209.77 KB) / French (PDF, 209.55 KB) / German (PDF, 221.62 KB)
Passport - Adult and children older than 6
Passport - Children younger than 6
Temporary passport
Request for compensation
Registration at the Consulate:
- form adults NL (DOCX, 35.91 KB)
- form minors NL (DOCX, 33.64 KB)
- form foreign family members of Belgian citizen NL (DOCX, 33.79 KB)
- form adults FR (DOCX, 38.4 KB)
- form minors FR (DOCX, 35.91 KB)
- form foreign family members of Belgian citizen FR (DOCX, 37.46 KB)
- change of address form (when you are already registered but your address has changed): Dutch form (DOCX, 27.36 KB) / French form (DOCX, 29.8 KB). Please add proof of address.
- Deregistering from a Belgian commune: Dutch (PDF, 5.56 KB) / French (PDF, 7.57 KB)
- registration form: Dutch (DOCX, 39.56 KB) / French (DOCX, 40.06 KB) / German (DOCX, 39.24 KB)
- procuration form: Dutch (DOCX, 31.29 KB) / French (DOCX, 31.44 KB) / German (DOCX, 31.13 KB)
- declaration on honour form: Dutch (PDF, 37.61 KB) / French (PDF, 68.91 KB) / German (PDF, 39.77 KB)
Visa application forms
- Schengen Visa Application Form Eng (PDF, 130.51 KB)
- Schengen Visa Application Form Dutch (PDF, 130.12 KB)
- Schengen Visa Application Form French (PDF, 130.75 KB)
We highly recommend that you fill out the Schengen visa application form online using Visa-On-Web before applying for your visa at the TLS counter.
- Long Stay Visa Application Form Eng (PDF, 244.57 KB)
- Long Stay Visa Application Form Dutch (PDF, 237.03 KB)
- Long Stay Visa Application Form French (PDF, 246.85 KB)
- Medical certificate (PDF, 17.96 KB)
- Language form (PDF, 56.38 KB)
- Statement for Au Pair (PDF, 39.45 KB)
Sponsorship Forms
- Annexe 3bis - NL (PDF, 669.44 KB)
- Annexe 3bis - FR (PDF, 487.1 KB)
- Bijlage 32 for Students - NL (PDF, 402.15 KB)
- Annexe 32 for Students - FR (PDF, 330.04 KB)