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All identity cards issued by the EU member states must, according to the European regulations, contain the fingerprints of 2 (index) fingers since mid-2021.
Since Monday 21 June 2021, you have to come to your Consulate general in person and by appointment in order to apply for an electronic identity card (e-ID) and/or your child for the Kids-ID (if your child is 6 years or older).
1. Preferably complete the appoinment form on your computer, print it out and bring it with you to your appointment.
- appoinment form eID Dutch (PDF, 166.06 KB) (from 12 years old)
- appointment form eID French (PDF, 172.97 KB) (from 12 years old)
- appointment form eID German (PDF, 143.98 KB) (from 12 years old)
- appointment form Kids-ID Dutch (PDF, 138.23 KB) (for children younger than 12; must be signed by both parents)
- appointment form Kids-ID French (PDF, 155.05 KB) (for children younger than 12; must be signed by both parents)
- appointment form Kids-ID German (PDF, 171.03 KB) (for children younger than 12; must be signed by both parents)
2. Please present a passport photo which meets the set standards.
3.1. If you are registered at the Consulate general in Pretoria: Make an appointment
3.2. If you are registered at the Consulate general in Cape Town: Make an appointment. Hand in your application form + proof of payment + photos between 9am and 1pm, Monday to Friday.
4. Children younger than 6 don't have to come in person. You can hand in the application form (Dutch version (PDF, 209.77 KB), French version (PDF, 209.55 KB), German version (PDF, 221.62 KB)), signed by both parents, by appointment or via courier to the competent Consulate general.
5. Do not e-mail or fax your proof of payment, print it out and hand it in when applying for your identity card, or have it attached to your file when using a courier or postal service.
6. Please note that the ID cards can now be activated at the Consulate general. Electronic identity cards with certificates enable the holders to identify themselves and give their consent securely over the Internet in an internationally accepted manner (digital signature). If you want to use your ID card to identify yourself on the internet, then you have to go to your Consulate (or a Consulate of choice or commune in Belgium) in person with your ID card and puk-code, taking into consideration the opening hours and/or appointment system. Please book an appointment for this.
7. For more information, please visit the dedicated website.
8. Other option:
From 21 June 2021 you can apply for your e-ID at (1) the Belgian municipality where you were last registered, (2) your Belgian municipality of birth if you have never lived in Belgium, but were born there, or (3) a Belgian municipality of your choice if you have never lived in Belgium and were not born there. This is slightly more expensive (around 100 euros, the price differs slightly from one municipality to another). The card and PUK code will then be delivered to the municipality no later than 2 working days later, and you can activate the card immediately at the municipality.
Submit your proof of payment with your application if you pay via EFT, or pay by card on the day of your appointment.
Please note: As a Belgian citizen it is your responsibility to manage your own identity documents, so please keep an eye on their expiry date.